This Inquiry Brief explores the complexities of urban air pollution, focusing on issues such as carbon monoxide emissions and particulate matter from vehicles and industrial sources. Students are presented with real-world data on the effects of poor air quality on human health and the environment. Using their prior knowledge, students are challenged to evaluate potential solutions to improve air quality, much like they would on the AP exam. This brief aligns with APES Unit 7 and serves as an effective tool for assessing students’ understanding of air quality and environmental policy.
What is an Inquiry Brief?
Inquiry Briefs are compact, targeted case studies designed for assessment purposes, closely aligning with the AP Environmental Science (APES) curriculum. Unlike traditional case studies, which provide background information to teach students before asking questions, Inquiry Briefs present a limited amount of information and require students to apply their prior knowledge - similar to the format of the AP exam. Each of the nine Inquiry Briefs corresponds to a specific APES unit and includes AP-style free-response questions (FRQs), making them effective tools for end-of-unit assessments or end-of-year review. Each brief includes both a student edition and a teacher edition with complete answer keys.
Air Quality in Cities - APES Unit 7 (Teacher & Student Edition)
ZIP file containing 3 PDF files
(1 Teacher Edition, 1 Student Edition, 1 Science Outside Terms and Conditions)
AP® Environmental Science Learning Objectives
7.2 Explain the causes and effects of photochemical smog and methods to reduce it.
7.3 Describe thermal inversion and its relationship with pollution.
7.4 Describe natural sources of CO2 and particulates.
7.6 Explain how air pollutants can be reduced at the source.
AP® Environmental Science Practices
Practice 1.B Explain environmental concepts, processes, and models presented in written format.
Practice 5.A Describe patterns or trends in data.