This Inquiry Brief delves into the causes and environmental impacts of Harmful Algal Blooms (HABs), which have become a growing concern due to nutrient pollution, warming waters, and other environmental factors. Students explore how excessive nutrients, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen from agricultural runoff and sewage, can trigger the rapid growth of algae in aquatic ecosystems. When these algae release toxins, they pose significant risks to human health, aquatic life, and local economies. Through real-world data and case studies, students analyze the conditions that lead to HABs, the effects they have on ecosystems, and potential solutions to mitigate their occurrence. Aligned with APES Unit 8, this Inquiry Brief challenges students to apply their knowledge of ecosystems, nutrient cycles, and water quality to assess the broader environmental and economic impacts of HABs.
What is an Inquiry Brief?
Inquiry Briefs are compact, targeted case studies designed for assessment purposes, closely aligning with the AP Environmental Science (APES) curriculum. Unlike traditional case studies, which provide background information to teach students before asking questions, Inquiry Briefs present a limited amount of information and require students to apply their prior knowledge - similar to the format of the AP exam. Each of the nine Inquiry Briefs corresponds to a specific APES unit and includes AP-style free-response questions (FRQs), making them effective tools for end-of-unit assessments or end-of-year review. Each brief includes both a student edition and a teacher edition with complete answer keys.
Harmful Algae Blooms - APES Unit 8 (Teacher & Student Edition)
ZIP file containing 3 PDF files
(1 Teacher Edition, 1 Student Edition, 1 Science Outside Terms and Conditions)