Topics Explored: Indoor Air Pollution
This case study explores the health risks associated with exposure to radon and discusses method used to remedy radon in the home. As a bonus, we included information on the major indoor air pollutants. Answer key included.
Case Study: Radon (Teacher & Student Edition)
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(1 Teacher Edition and 1 Student Edition)Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS):
HS-LS2-2. Use mathematical representations to support and revise explanations based on evidence about factors affecting biodiversity and populations in ecosystems of different scales.AP® Environmental Science Learning Objectives:
7.5 Identify indoor air pollutants. Indoor air pollutants can come from natural sources, human-made
sources, and combustion. Common natural source indoor air pollutants include radon, mold, and dust.
Radon-222 is a naturally occurring radioactive gas that is produced by the decay of uranium found
in some rocks and soils. Radon gas can infiltrate homes as it moves up through the soil and enters
homes via the basement or cracks in the walls or foundation. It is also dissolved in groundwater
that enters homes through a well. Exposure to radon gas can lead to radon induced lung cancer,
which is the second leading cause of lung cancer in America.AP® Environmental Science Practices:
Practice 1: Explain environmental concepts, processes, and models presented in written format.
Practice 2: Analyze visual representations of environmental concepts and processes.
Practice 3: Analyze sources of information about environmental issues. Practice 4: Analyze research
studies that test environmental principles.
Practice 5: Analyze and interpret quantitative data represented in tables, charts, and graphs.
Practice 6: Apply quantitative methods to address environmental concepts.
Practice 7: Propose and justify solutions to environmental problems.
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